BlueGen is the latest breakthrough in small scale electricity generation - a modular style fuel cell generator that can be configured to suit a range of different markets and installations. For markets that require an alternative product approach to fully-integrated 'European style' systems, such as Japan, Northern America and Australia - BlueGen™ bridges that gap.
The future of electricity generation will be using a Distributed Generation network, where electricity can be generated and consumed at the point of use. Distributed Generation networks can address the concerns of; increasing electricity demand, limitations of traditional power generation, efficiency losses through transmission & distribution lines and significant infrastructure investment. There is a need today, and in the future, for secure and highly efficient generation of electricity with significantly lower greenhouse gas emissions. BlueGen™ is the latest in Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) technology to deliver highly efficient electricity.
BlueGen™ utilises the latest Gennex™ fuel cell module that offers the highest levels electrical efficiency in the world – 60% net electrical efficiency. This means BlueGen™ produces more electricity from the same amount of fuel compared to traditional small scale electric generators.
BlueGen™ is fitted with an integrated heat exchanger to recover the heat from the fuel cell module. A separate water tank (not supplied) can be connected to the unit to increase the total system efficiency.
BlueGen™ can be installed as:
SSElectric Generator system; no heat recovery = power only
SSCo-Generation Ssystem; Swith Sheat Srecovery S= power + heat
Because of the high level of electric efficiency, BlueGen™ produces much less heat than other electric generators. Less heat means the unit can operate for longer, which in turn means, more high-efficiency electricity that helps reduce CO2
The BlueGen™ unit can operate as a stand-alone generator or be remotely controlled. The output power level can be adjusted to suit a number of different electricity production requirements; from ‘constant base-load power’ generation to pre-set ‘peak shaving’ generation profiles. The BlueGen™ unit has a number of different operating modes:
• Fully automatic using mains power (grid Sindependent Sstart-up Snot Spossible)
Self sustain
• Unit is producing electricity, but with zero power export (e.g. in event of extended grid fault)
Power production
• Unit is exporting electricity; power output can be modulated from 0% to 100%
Cool down
• Using mains power (approx. 36 to 72 hours for safe cool down)
Specifications Spezifikationen
Model Number: BlueGen Modellnummer: BlueGen
Performance Leistung
Electric Output: 0 to 2,000 W
Power output modulation from 0 % to 100 %
Elektrische Leistung: 0 bis 2.000 W
Stromausgangsregulierung von 0 % bis 100 %
Max. Electrical Efficiency: 60 % at 1,500 W output
(Net AC export LHV)
Max. elektr. Wirkungsgrad: 60 % bei 1.500 W Leistung
(Wechselstromexport netto; unterer Heizwert)
Note: Thermal output and water recovery only possible with heat recovery system connected Anmerkung: Thermische Leistung und Wasserrückgewinnung ist nur mit angeschlossenem Wärmerückgewinnungssystem möglich
Thermal Output: Approx. 300 W to 1,000 W
Depending on electric power output and heat recovery water temperature (exhaust gas cooled to 30 °C)
Thermische Leistung: ca. 300 W bis 1.000 W
Abhängig von Stromleistung und Rücklaufttemperatur
(Abgas auf 30° gekühlt)
Total System Efficiency: Up to 85 %
(depending on heat and condensate recovered)
Gesamtsystemwirkungsgrad: Bis zu 85 %
(abhängig von der zurückgewonnenen Wärme und Kondensat)
Inputs Eingaben
Electrical: 230V ±10% 50Hz
Single Phase AC parallel grid connected
Elektrisch: 230V ±10% 50Hz
Einphasenwechselstrom parallel zum Stromnetz geschaltet
Natural Gas: For start-up & operation
Supply pressure 0.9 to 2 kPa
(integrated gas desulphurisation)
Erdgas: Für Inbetriebnahme & Betrieb:
Versorgungsdruck 0.9 bis 2 kPa
(eingebaute Gasentschwefelung)
Water: For internal steam reforming:
Supply pressure min. 100 to 600 kPa
(integrated water treatment system)
Wasser: Für interne Dampfreformierung
Versorgungsdruck min. 100 bis 600 kPa
(eingebaute Wasseraufbereitung)
Consumption (at maximum output) Verbrauch (bei maximaler Leistung)
Natural Gas: 12.6 MJ/hr (12,000 BTU/hr)
Actual gas volume dependant on composition of natural gas
Erdgas: 12.6 MJ/h. (12,000 BTU/h.)
Tatsächliches Gasvolumen abhängig von der Zusammensetzung des Erdgases
Water: 0.0 ℓ/hr - 1.67 ℓ/hr
Water consumption dependant on:
i) if heat recovery connected
ii) amount of condensate recovered from flue gas
Wasser: 0.0 ℓ/h. - 1.67 ℓ/h.
Wasserverbrauch abhängig von:
i) angeschlossene Wärmerückgewinnung
ii) Menge des aus dem Abgas zurückgewonnenen Kondensats
Outputs Ausgaben
Net AC export: 0 W – 2,000 W
Single Phase parallel grid connected: 230V ±10% 50Hz
Wechselstromexport netto: 0 W – 2,000 W
Einphase parallel am Stromnetz angeschlossen: 230V ±10% 50Hz
CO2Emissions: 340 g/kWh
Flue gas emissions consist of CO2and water vapour, virtually no NOx or SOx emissions
CO2Emissionen: 340 g/kWh
Abgasemision besteht aus CO2und Wasserdampf, nahezu keine NOx oder SOx Emissionen
Flue Gas Temperature: Max 200 °C
Maximum if heat recovery system not connected
Abgastemperatur: Max 200 °C
Höchstwert, falls Wärmerückgewinnungssystem nicht angeschlossen ist
Useable Water: Max 1.1 L/hr
From water treatment system if heat recovery system not connected
Verwendbares Wasser: Max 1.1 L/h.
Vom Wasseraufbereitungssystem, falls Wärmerückgewinnungssystem nicht angeschlossen ist
Noise level: < 45 dBa Lärmpegel: < 45 dBa
Operating Conditions & Other Betriebsbedingungen & Sonstiges
Ambient Temperature: +1 °C - +45 °C Umgebungstemperatur: +1 °C - +45 °C
Inlet Air Temperature: -20 °C - +45 °C Luftzufuhrtemperatur: -20 °C - +45 °C
Location: Indoors - excluding living zones
Outdoors - protected from the elements and above freezing temperature
Standort: Im Haus – Wohnbereiche ausgenommen
Im Freien – geschützt vor den Elementen und über dem
Start-up Time: 25 Hours Anlaufzeit: 25 Stunden
Minor Maintenance Approx 12 months
Air filters (depending on installed location)
Water filters (depending on input water quality)
Intervall Kleinwartung: ca. 12 Monate
Luftfilter (abhängig vom Installationsstandort)
Wasserfilter (abhängig von der eingebrachten Wasserqualität
Major Maintenance Interval: Greater than 12 months
Desulphuriser (subject to gas composition)
Air filters (depending on installed location)
Water filters (depending on input water quality)
Intervall Hauptwartung: Größer als 12 Monate
Entschwefler (abhängig von der Gaszusammensetzung)
Luftfilter (abhängig vom Standort)
Wasserfilter (abhänig von der einbringenden Wasserqualität)
Approx. Mass: < 200 kg Gewicht ca.: < 200 kg
Connections Verbindungen
Fuel: ½" BSP female Brennstoff: ½" BSP-Innengewinde
Supply: ¼" quick connect ‘John Guest’ fitting
Hot water: 2 x ¾" BSP female
Drain: 2 x ¼" quick connect ‘John Guest’ fittings
Versorgung: ¼"Anschlussverbindung "John Guest"
Heißwasser: 2 x ¾" BSP-Innengewinde
Abfluss: 2 x ¼" Schnellanschlussverbindung "John Guest"
Electricity: Hardwired via junction box on external casing Elektrizität: Festverdrahtet via Anschluss-kasten an externem Gehäuse
Flue: Balanced flue with standard concentric flue
100/60 mm diameter
Rauchabzug: Abgassystem mit konzentrischem Standard-abgassystem
100/60 mm Durchmesser
Communication: Connection via standard Ethernet port Datenübertragung: Verbindung via Standard Ethernetport
ORIONAIRSALES: Buy Air Source Heat Pumps for home use.
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